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Free fallout 4 steam key

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Manny, Tach Blythe, and one Compound guard Also on the murderer in the same location

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Lying on the ground on the Hopesmarch Pentecostal church's top floor, near a ham radioįootlocker in Clarke's sleeping quarters on the PrydwenĬollege Square station, bottom level in the subway's storage room (east side) on a desk. Opens safe on the top floor of Hopesmarch Pentecostal church Novice locked door, bathroom within the BADTFL regional officeĭoor to Polly's house / Choice Chops and meat locker Opens the chief's office in the BADTFL regional office In two filing cabinets within the Parsons State Insane Asylum: one to the forward-right after entering and one in Jack Cabot's office in the corner behind his desk On a desk on the top floor of the East Boston Preparatory School In the file cabinet (next to terminal on desk) in the chief's officeĬell doors on the top floor of the East Boston Preparatory School

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Sandy Coves Convalescent Home, by her cat bowls Opens door to "Casey's Office" in Nahant Oceanological Society facility near key locationįound on a semi sunken boat off the coast near Nahant Oceanological Society. Opens a safe behind the desk inside the Gunners plaza recording studio. Can also be unlocked by picking a Master difficulty lock. In this small room, on the left-hand side (east) there is the 'Student Records' terminal with the password. University Point, Sedgwick Hall - from the main double door entrance go through a broken hole in the wall on the right (south), before the corridor. Paladin Danse-Taken from him if the Sole Survivor kills him before entering the station after the fight with the ghouls.Ĭambridge police station-Taken from Scribe Haylen's corpse during the Precipice of War quest. Given by Jack Cabot when encountering him. In a suitcase found in a storage room upstairs. In West Everett Estates-within a dresser next to a crib in the blue house by the entrance.īoston mayoral shelter in a dresser next to a terminal, same level as the bathroom Inside a novice locked terminal on the ground floor, close to the south-west side door entrance.īathroom door in the Boston mayoral shelter

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Locked lab room in the Greater Mass blood clinic with a Massachusetts Surgical Journal Three spread throughout the Greater Mass blood clinic Opens outer door and the safe in the lab room In the shelter under the blue train car in Big John's Salvage yard. Locked back room in the Rook family house basement.


Opens the back storage room of an unmarked store east of Collegiate administration buildingįound in the upper floor of that same unmarked store on a desk near a terminalįootlocker on top of Starlight Drive In movie screen In the reception area's security office, next to a file cabinet on a box. Security terminal in Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ On the security office terminal in the reception area, added by reading the Security Logs entry 10/21/77 Project manager terminal in the ArcJet Engine CoreĪrcJet Systems, in the cabinet high up just to the right of the project manager's terminalĭevelopment lab (access) terminals in Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ (DN017_ArcJetProjectManagerTerminalPassword) Lab control terminal on ArcJet Systems's main floor Side office door in Charles View Amphitheater

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